Natural Ways to Clear a Stopped Up Nose

Do you find yourself constantly struggling with a stuffy or blocked nose? Well, fret no more! In this article, we will be sharing some simple yet effective natural remedies that can help you clear a stopped up nose. Say goodbye to the discomfort and frustration caused by nasal congestion, and hello to easy breathing and relief. With these helpful tips and tricks, you’ll be able to find instant relief without having to rely on medication. So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and get ready to discover some amazing home remedies for your blocked nose.

Steam Inhalation

Using a humidifier

If you’re dealing with a stuffy nose, using a humidifier in your home can be a game-changer. The added moisture in the air can help to alleviate congestion and reduce inflammation in your nasal passages. Simply place a humidifier in the room where you spend the most time, such as your bedroom or living room, and let it work its magic. Make sure to clean the humidifier regularly to prevent the growth of mold or bacteria.

Taking a hot shower

When a blocked nose is causing discomfort, a hot shower can provide much-needed relief. The steam generated by the hot water helps to moisten your nasal passages, making it easier to clear out congestion. Simply step into a steamy shower and let the warm water work its magic. Take slow, deep breaths to inhale the steam and feel the soothing effect on your sinuses. It’s a simple and enjoyable way to clear up your stuffy nose.

Using a steam bowl

Another effective way to clear a stuffy nose is by using a steam bowl. Fill a large bowl with boiling water and add a few drops of essential oils such as eucalyptus or peppermint oil. Place a towel over your head to create a tent-like enclosure and lean over the bowl, keeping a safe distance to prevent burns. Breathe deeply, inhaling the steam and allowing it to penetrate your nasal passages. This method can provide quick relief and help to open up your airways.

Using a steam tent

If you’re looking for a more portable option, a steam tent can be a handy solution. Simply fill a bowl with hot water and add a few drops of essential oils. Place the bowl on a stable surface and create a tent using a large towel or blanket. Position your face over the bowl, trapping the steam inside the tent. Inhale deeply, allowing the steam to alleviate congestion and open up your nasal passages. It’s a convenient way to clear your stuffy nose, especially when you’re on the go.

Nasal Irrigation

Using a neti pot

Nasal irrigation with a neti pot is a popular and effective technique for clearing a blocked nose. Fill the neti pot with a saline solution or a mixture of warm water and salt. Tilt your head to one side over a sink and gently pour the solution into your upper nostril. Allow the solution to flow through your nasal passages and exit through your other nostril, clearing out mucus and reducing congestion. Repeat on the other side to ensure both nostrils are thoroughly cleansed.

Using a squeeze bottle

Similar to a neti pot, a squeeze bottle can be used for nasal irrigation. Fill the bottle with a saline solution or warm water and salt mixture. Stand over a sink and tilt your head to one side. Insert the nozzle of the squeeze bottle into your upper nostril and gently squeeze to allow the solution to flow through your nasal passages and exit through the other nostril. This method is convenient and provides effective relief from nasal congestion.

Using a nasal bulb syringe

For those who prefer a simpler method of nasal irrigation, a nasal bulb syringe can be a great option. Fill the syringe with a saline solution or warm water and salt mixture. Tilt your head over a sink and insert the tip of the syringe into your nostril. Gently squeeze the bulb to release the solution into your nasal passages, allowing it to rinse away mucus and relieve congestion. Repeat on the other nostril for complete relief.

Using a saline nasal spray

If you’re looking for a quick and convenient way to clear a stuffy nose, a saline nasal spray is a go-to solution. This over-the-counter product contains a saltwater solution that helps to moisturize your nasal passages and break up mucus. Simply insert the nozzle of the spray into your nostril and squeeze gently. Breathe in through your nose to allow the solution to reach your nasal passages, providing instant relief from congestion.

Warm Compress

Using a warm towel

When your nose feels congested, a warm towel can work wonders in providing relief. Dip a clean towel in warm water and wring out the excess. Place the warm towel over your nose and forehead, allowing the heat to soothe your nasal passages. The warmth helps to open up your congested sinuses and provides immediate comfort. It’s a simple and effective method to relieve congestion and promote better breathing.

Using a heating pad

If you prefer a hands-free option, a heating pad can be a great alternative for relieving a stuffy nose. Set the heating pad to a comfortable temperature and place it on the area around your nose and cheeks. The gentle warmth will help to alleviate congestion and promote better airflow. Keep the heating pad on for about 15 minutes at a time, and repeat as needed throughout the day for continuous relief.

Using warm water bottles

Another option for applying warmth to your congested nose is by using warm water bottles. Fill two water bottles with comfortably warm water and place one on each side of your nose, creating a mild heat compress. The warmth will help to loosen up mucus and open up your nasal passages, providing relief from congestion. Lie down and relax while the heat works its magic to alleviate your stuffed-up nose.

Essential Oils

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is known for its soothing properties and can be highly beneficial for relieving nasal congestion. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a diffuser or a steam bowl to release its aromatic benefits. Inhaling the refreshing scent can help to open up your airways and clear congestion. However, it’s important to note that peppermint oil is potent, so be sure to dilute it properly before use and avoid direct contact with your skin or eyes.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is a popular essential oil with powerful decongestant properties. Its strong aroma can help to clear a stuffy nose and provide relief from sinus pressure. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a diffuser or a steam bowl to release its healing vapors. Inhaling the steam will help to open up your airways and reduce congestion. Remember to dilute eucalyptus oil properly and avoid direct contact with your skin.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is well-known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent choice for managing nasal congestion. Its soothing scent can provide relief and help clear out blocked nasal passages. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a diffuser or mix it with a carrier oil for a healing chest rub. Inhaling the aromatic benefits of tea tree oil can alleviate congestion and promote easier breathing.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is renowned for its calming properties, but it also carries benefits for clearing a stuffy nose. This gentle essential oil can help to reduce inflammation in your nasal passages, providing relief from congestion. Add a few drops of lavender oil to a diffuser or create a steam bowl with hot water and lavender oil. Inhale the soothing steam to open up your airways and experience the calming effects of lavender oil.

Chamomile oil

Chamomile oil is not only a popular herbal remedy for promoting relaxation, but it can also be effective in relieving nasal congestion. This gentle oil helps to reduce inflammation and soothe irritated nasal passages. Add a few drops of chamomile oil to a diffuser or mix it with a carrier oil for a comforting chest rub. Inhaling the calming scent can help to open up your airways and provide relief from a stuffy nose.

Spicy Foods

Eating horseradish

When it comes to clearing a stuffy nose, horseradish is a potent ingredient that can do wonders. Its strong flavor and pungent aroma can help to open up your nasal passages instantly. Incorporate fresh horseradish into your meals, or if you’re feeling particularly brave, take a small spoonful of grated horseradish on its own. Be prepared for a powerful kick that will clear your sinuses in no time.

Consuming hot peppers

If you enjoy spicy foods, incorporating hot peppers into your meals can help to clear a stuffy nose. Peppers like chili or jalapeño contain capsaicin, a compound that provides the intense heat and also acts as a decongestant. The spiciness of hot peppers can trigger a runny nose, effectively flushing out mucus and relieving nasal congestion.

Adding cayenne pepper to dishes

Cayenne pepper has long been used as a natural remedy for congestion and can provide quick relief for a stuffy nose. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to your favorite dishes to help break up mucus and open up your nasal passages. The heat from the cayenne pepper will cause your nose to run, providing temporary relief from nasal congestion. Start with a small amount and gradually increase as tolerated.

Using wasabi or mustard

Wasabi and mustard are known for their sinus-clearing properties, making them great choices for relieving nasal congestion. The pungent aroma and intense flavors help to open up your airways and promote easier breathing. Incorporate wasabi or mustard into your meals, or try a small amount on its own to experience their powerful effects on clearing a stuffy nose.


Drinking plenty of fluids

Staying hydrated is important for overall health, and it can also help to alleviate a blocked nose. Drinking plenty of fluids, such as water, herbal tea, or clear broth, helps to thin the mucus in your nasal passages, making it easier to clear out congestion. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and increase your fluid intake if you’re dealing with a stuffy nose.

Sipping warm liquids

In addition to staying hydrated, sipping on warm liquids can provide additional relief for a stuffy nose. Warm liquids like herbal tea or warm water with honey and lemon can help to soothe your irritated nasal passages and promote easier breathing. Enjoying a warm beverage throughout the day can provide comfort and support in reducing congestion.

Using a saline nasal rinse

A saline nasal rinse can be a helpful tool to clear a stuffy nose naturally. Mix a saline solution using warm water and salt, and then use a squeeze bottle or a neti pot to flush your nasal passages. The saline solution helps to moisturize and wash away excess mucus, providing relief from congestion. Follow the instructions carefully when using a saline nasal rinsing device to ensure a safe and effective cleanse.

Using a nasal pump spray

A nasal pump spray can be a convenient option for clearing a stuffy nose. These over-the-counter sprays contain a saline solution that helps to moisturize your nasal passages and reduce inflammation. Simply insert the nozzle into your nostril and pump the spray to deliver the solution directly into your nasal passages, providing instant relief from congestion. However, it’s important to use nasal pump sprays as directed and avoid prolonged use to prevent dependency.


Using an extra pillow while sleeping

Elevating your head while sleeping can help to alleviate nasal congestion. Adding an extra pillow or using a wedge-shaped pillow can elevate your head and upper body, allowing gravity to assist in reducing fluid buildup in your nasal passages. By elevating your head, you’ll encourage mucus to drain properly and prevent it from blocking your airways, resulting in a clearer nose when you wake up.

Using a wedge pillow

If you find it uncomfortable to sleep with multiple pillows, a wedge pillow can provide a practical solution for elevating your head while sleeping. These specially designed pillows have a unique incline that supports your upper body and promotes better breathing. By using a wedge pillow, you can maintain an ideal elevation throughout the night, ensuring a restful sleep and a less congested nose in the morning.

Using a nasal strip

Nasal strips are adhesive strips that are applied to the outside of your nose. They work by gently lifting the sides of your nostrils, creating more space in your nasal passages and improving airflow. Nasal strips can be particularly helpful if your nasal congestion is related to nasal valve collapse or moderate obstruction. Apply the strip before bedtime and experience the benefits of improved nasal breathing while you sleep.

Herbal Remedies


Garlic is not only a flavorful ingredient in cooking but also a powerful herbal remedy for nasal congestion. Its natural compounds, including allicin, have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help to alleviate congestion and fight off infections. Incorporate raw garlic into your meals or take garlic supplements to experience its potential benefits in clearing a stuffy nose naturally.


Ginger is a versatile herb known for its warming properties and its ability to alleviate various ailments, including nasal congestion. It contains compounds that help to thin mucus, reduce inflammation, and promote better airflow. Enjoy ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger slices in hot water for a few minutes, or add grated ginger to your meals for added relief from a stuffy nose.


Echinacea is an herb widely used for its immune-boosting properties. It can also be beneficial in relieving nasal congestion associated with colds or allergies. Echinacea helps to strengthen your immune system, reducing the duration and severity of cold symptoms. You can find echinacea supplements or make echinacea tea by steeping dried echinacea in hot water for a few minutes.


Turmeric is a bright yellow spice commonly used in cooking and known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Its active compound, curcumin, can help to reduce nasal congestion and alleviate sinus inflammation. Incorporate turmeric into your meals, or try turmeric tea by adding a spoonful of turmeric powder to warm water and steeping it for a few minutes. Enjoy the soothing effects of turmeric as it helps to clear your stuffy nose.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea not only provides a refreshing flavor but also offers benefits for a congested nose. The menthol in peppermint helps to open up your airways and relieve nasal congestion. Steep fresh peppermint leaves or peppermint tea bags in hot water for a few minutes, then sip the aromatic tea slowly. The warmth and invigorating properties of peppermint tea can provide instant relief and promote better breathing.

Avoid Irritants

Avoiding cigarette smoke

If you’re dealing with nasal congestion, it’s important to avoid cigarette smoke as it can worsen your symptoms. Secondhand smoke, as well as the toxins in cigarettes, can irritate and inflame your nasal passages, leading to increased congestion and discomfort. Stay away from areas where smoking is permitted, and consider quitting smoking if you’re a smoker. Removing this irritant from your environment can greatly help in clearing your stuffy nose.

Staying away from strong odors

Strong odors from cleaning products, perfumes, or chemicals can irritate your nasal passages and worsen congestion. If you’re struggling with a stuffy nose, try to minimize exposure to strong odors and opt for unscented or natural alternatives when possible. This includes using fragrance-free household cleaners, avoiding heavily perfumed products, and keeping your indoor environment well-ventilated.

Reducing exposure to allergens

Allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or mold spores can trigger nasal congestion in susceptible individuals. Minimize your exposure to these allergens by regularly cleaning your home, investing in hypoallergenic bedding, using air purifiers, and keeping windows closed during high pollen seasons. If necessary, consult with an allergist for proper diagnosis and treatment options for your specific allergies.

Avoiding irritants like chemicals and pollutants

Exposure to chemicals and pollutants in your environment can irritate your nasal passages and contribute to congestion. Minimize your exposure by using natural and eco-friendly household cleaning products, avoiding areas with high pollution, and wearing a mask when necessary. Consider improving indoor air quality by using air purifiers and regularly ventilating your living spaces.

Gentle Nasal Massage

Using gentle circular motions

A gentle nasal massage can help to alleviate nasal congestion and promote nasal drainage. Using your fingertips, apply light pressure in circular motions on the sides of your nose, moving towards your cheeks. This gentle massage can help to stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage, reducing congestion and promoting easier breathing. Repeat as needed throughout the day for additional relief.

Pressing acupressure points

Acupressure points on your face can be targeted to relieve nasal congestion and promote better airflow. Apply gentle pressure with your fingertips to the points located on the sides of your nostrils, just below the cheekbones. Hold the pressure for a few seconds and release. This technique can help to reduce inflammation, open up your nasal passages, and provide relief from a stuffy nose.

Using essential oils for massage

Enhance the efficacy of a gentle nasal massage by incorporating essential oils. Dilute a few drops of your preferred essential oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or almond oil. Apply a small amount of the diluted oil to your fingertips and massage the sides of your nose in circular motions. The combination of gentle massage and essential oils can help to relieve nasal congestion and provide a soothing sensation.

In conclusion, when dealing with a stuffy nose, there are a variety of natural remedies you can try to find relief. From steam inhalation to nasal irrigation, warm compresses, essential oils, and herbal remedies, each option offers its unique benefits in clearing congestion and promoting easier breathing. Remember to choose the methods that work best for you and your preferences, and consult with a healthcare professional if your symptoms persist or worsen. With these natural remedies at your disposal, you can tackle your stuffy nose and be well on your way to breathing easy once again.